Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's time for a change

Today i'am just getting some crazy thoughts in my mind . My mind is just getting ideas upon ideas . When i didn't had any Girlfriend i was just crazy about it , but now things are changed , i have got many girls how are trying to have me as their boyfriend . India won the cricket world cup on last saturday and the crazy Indians just thought that its the once again another festival of light in this year . Politics is getting corrupted day by day , i think their is need to uproot entire politics and set a new one .
    Some great leader had told
           " There is need for a change "
now come on lets do some modification of the quote and say
         "It's time for a change "
lets us get together and fight against this corruption , we think they don't take our money , they just go and rob the government . But , well government is ours , we pay taxes to government and this politics grabs that money away . So we are losing our money today , tomarrow we might lose ourself ..... We can't say what they can do just for this money . We are making ourself insecure , if we don't act now , we will have to pay for it later .
  So my brotherhoods wake up , don't see who is supporting you . Just do your work , as the time will pass away people will start supporting you , they will come to know " yeah this guy is doing right " we must be with him .
 so " Its time for a change "
   make a change in ourself , and lets ,make a change in our politics .